Sergio Bonfantini (1910-1989)
"Homage to Giorgio Morandi"
Painted bronze casting on wooden base.
He began exhibiting in 1929 in Turin and at the Galleria Milano, on the occasion of the exhibitions dedicated to the Casorati school. He then exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1930, 1932 and 1936 and at the Rome Quadrennial in 1931, 1935, 1939 [2].
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3 painted plaster advertising figures.
Excellent state of original conservation.
Christian Dior, 1930s-50s.
Pair of lacquered and gilded wood angels holding a cornucopia with a gilt metal crown.
Central Italy, Baroque period, second half of the 17th century.
Raphael Papa,
1930's Art Deco bronze sculpture mounted on a light green stone base.
Two angels made of carved Carrara marble,.
Florence, Italy 1830's.